LAFF Society


Opening at Rutgers’ Institute for Women’s Leadership


Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., is seeking a director of its Institute for Women’s Leadership, a consortium of nine units at the university that is “dedicated to the study of women and gender, to advocacy on behalf of gender equity and to the promotion of women’s leadership locally, nationally and globally”.
The institute “connects its member units in the mission to examine and advance women’s leadership in education, research, the arts, science, business, politics and government, human rights, the workplace and the world”. 
The institute has an annual budget of $1.2 million and hosts two endowed lecture series. One-fourth of its budget is raised from external gifts and grants, and the director is responsible for raising additional money through external fundraising.
An application must be submitted electronically by August 24 to It must include a letter of no more than two pages explaining why the applicant is suited for the position and relevant prior experience, a curriculum vitae and five references.
Additional information is available at



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